How to participate in this project?

Would you like to participate in this project? See below for information on the various studies within the scope of this research project.

Cognitive rehabilitation programs for cancer survivors: Acceptability and preferences

  1. To assess cognitive difficulties and pre-existing knowledge about cognitive changes related to cancer and its treatments, and cognitive interventions;
  2. To explore previous and current access to support to manage cognitive difficulties;
  3. To explore potential motivations and barriers to participating in cognitive rehabilitation programs;
  4. To investigate acceptability and expectations related to cognitive rehabilitation programs;
  5. To investigate preferences about cognitive rehabilitation programs features.
Who can participate

This study is aimed at:

  • Men and women living in Portugal;
  • Aged between 18 and 65 years;
  • Who have been diagnosed with any type of cancer, except brain tumors;
  • Who present cognitive difficulties related to cancer/treatment;
  • Who can read and understand Portuguese.

For more information, click on

Data collection period: RECRUITING

Cognitive Functioning and Work in Cancer Survivors

  1. To assess global and work-related cognitive complaints in cancer survivors;
  2. To examine psychosocial and work-related factors associated with cognitive complaints of cancer survivors, and;
  3. To validate psychological assessment tools in this area for the Portuguese cancer population.
Who can participate

This study is aimed at:

  • Men and women;
  • Aged between 18 and 65 years;
  • Who have been diagnosed with cancer; and
  • Who can read and understand Portuguese.

For more information, see published works

Data collection period: January 2021 – April 2021 [COMPLETED]