Imagem Ana Filipa Oliveira

Ana Filipa Oliveira

Cargo: FCT PhD Research Fellow

Ana Filipa Oliveira has a Master’s Degree in Health Psychology and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation from the University of Aveiro. She is currently a PhD Research Fellow in Psychology with a grant funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT grant: SFRH/BD/138785/2018) at the Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Aveiro and at Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS) – AgeingC Research Group, in collaboration with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

She is a psychologist, effective member of the Portuguese Psychologists Association (OPP), and member of the Portuguese Academy of Psycho-Oncology (APPO).

She has clinical experience with group interventions (e.g., grief), neuropsychological assessment and group and individual cognitive stimulation with different populations. Her research interests have been focused on the areas of interface between Psycho-Oncology and Neuropsychology, more specifically on the study of cancer-related cognitive impairment. She has completed a Master’s thesis in this area, having assessed the perceived cognitive functioning of breast cancer survivors. Furthermore, she participated in an exploratory project at a specialized support center for patients with breast cancer, which aimed to characterize cognitive and emotional aspects in this population.

This project is part of her PhD thesis, and she is the coordinator of this research.